The Engineer’s Voice

Exposing the reality of software engineering, one day at a time

We believe that the insights and experiences of engineers should drive positive change within the tech industry

Coming together to give engineer’s a voice

What are other engineers around the world thinking and how are they working..?

… Bring some perspective to your engineering experience by seeing the industry-wide picture

Gain early access to The Engineer’s Voice

The Engineer’s Voice is a daily survey with 3 questions relating to the subjective views and experiences of software engineers.

You will be able to participate via our free Slack application and see the breakdown of the industry-wide results the following day. Register your interest to gain early access and be a key participant in shaping the future of our industry.

Influence the wider tech industry by sharing your experiences and learning about the perspectives of other engineers

The Engineer’s Voice will show you:

  • Industry-wide sentiment and perspectives

  • Underlying industry trends over time

  • Where engineers have inconsistent experiences

  • How your engineering team compares with others

  • Actions and initiatives you can take to improve your experiences in software engineering

How it works

  • 3 Questions per day

    Share your sentiments, opinions, and perspectives by answering 3 daily questions via our free Slack app

  • See the results

    See the industry-wide breakdown of results and graphs from the previous day’s survey questions

  • Analysis and insight

    We will report on industry trends and share additional resources to improve your engineering experience

Unlock Early Access

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    Join the Waitlist: Click the button below to register for early access

  • Share...

    Answer 3 questions: So we can learn about you and your experience

  • Early access...

    Gain entry: You will be added to the front of the queue to receive early access to The Engineer’s Voice

About The Engineers Voice

The Engineer’s Voice, our free Slack app, gives engineers a voice, sharing their experiences and opinions on engineering culture and the wider tech industry.

The Engineer’s Voice is part of our platform to support people within the software engineering community in building a culture of mastery, autonomy and purpose in their engineering ecosystems.

Our team brings together decades of experience, study, and reflection comprising a blend of engineering expertise, technical leadership, and a fascination with the complexity and nuance of the sociological and psychological aspects of software development.

  • Developed by John and Simon at Human-Centric Engineering who are both experienced software engineers and engineering leaders. We feel this is vital for understanding the engineers’ experience and perspectives.

  • The Engineer’s Voice is completely free to use and available in Slack for any software engineers, architects, developers etc…

  • There is an asymmetry of power in software engineering and engineers often feel their voices are unheard.

    By exposing the reality of your day-to-day experiences you’ll be able to nudge the needle towards creating environments that meet the needs of human beings.

  • Our own worldview can become quite short-sighted but by opening ourselves up to the perspectives of others we gain a broader view to help us join the dots and learn about the things we can do to improve our experience as software engineers.

Join the Waitlist

To join our waitlist and get access to the updates, answer a couple of questions and you'll be on the list.