Human-Centric Engineering brings together
years of experience, study, and reflection - all packaged into an accessible and deliverable format.

Hello, I’m John…

John Durrant

During the last 5 years working in Head of Engineering roles, and as a Software Engineer prior to that, I’ve always been fascinated by the human factors involved in the process of software development:

  • how human emotions influence our ‘rational’ decisions

  • how we choose to interact with one another

  • and how the prevailing engineering culture in our organisation determines our experience, behaviours and performance

Human-Centric Engineering brings together years of experience, study, and reflection - all packaged into an accessible and deliverable format.

… and I’m Simon

Head and shoulders photograph of Simon Holmes

Simon Holmes

My entire career has been at the intersection of people and technology, right from my university degree where I blended software engineering, psychology, and communication studies.

A published author in the full-stack development arena, I have over a decade of experience in front of the IDE.

I have another decade of experience in leadership roles, focusing on the human element of building and running successful engineering teams.

Human-Centric Engineering is the embodiment of my belief that working with our humanity separates the great teams from the okay teams.

Why does our human-centric approach work so well?

✓ We build trust quickly within leadership teams and engineering teams, we discard any assumptions and approach engagements with the beginner’s mind.

✓ We have worked as software engineers, and in engineering leadership. We understand your constraints and aspirations from multiple levels.

✓ Engineers are sceptical of woolly teambuilding or generic motivational workshops, we know where they’re coming from - our approach is driven by data, research and proven industry practices.

Why use a third-party?

✓ We are able to provide anonymity and create a safe space for engineers and leaders to be more open, honest, and - in our experience - candid with their input.

✓ We don’t have to balance this work with BAU, fire drills, and escalations
- this is our focus.

✓ We are detached from any personal or political allegiances, we just want to help companies build high-performing human-centric engineering teams.